BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Interesting Sites around Yankee Hat car park UID:20230812T080000-2331@ DTSTART:20230812T080000 DTEND:20230812T163000 DTSTAMP:20230812T080000 GEO:-35.729461;148.996578 DESCRIPTION:This walk starts with a round of the very pleasant Rendezvou s Creek Track. The track provides access for further walking up the cree k valley. Then, depending on the clearance of vehicles available, we eit her walk or drive the Old Boboyan Road to Yankee Hat car park. From ther e, we walk a loop around the feature to the SW on old fire trails and th e Old Boboyan Rd. Points of interest include Ready Cut Cottage, views to Gudgenby Homestead, an old stone wall, axe grinding grooves (see photo) , the confluence of Bogong Creek and Middle Creek forming the start of t he Gudgenby River, Foresters Hut, Frank and Jacks Hut and stockyard and dip, an indigenous site. The pièce de resistance will hopefully be a vi sit to a site described as a ‘brick factory’ by geocacher Tankengine and recently pictured in a Tim the Yowie Man article. Around 21km and 4 50vm climb, with wet feet walking through the two Hospital Creek fords. Subtract around 8km and no wet feet if we can drive into Yankee Hat car park, making 13km and 450vm. When booking, please indicate whether you c an offer to drive a higher clearance 4WD/AWD vehicle. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR