BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Smartphone Navigation for Bushwalkers UID:20230727T193001-2320@ DTSTART:20230727T193001 DTEND:20230727T203000 DTSTAMP:20230727T193001 GEO:-35.282738;149.135966 DESCRIPTION:Begin or brush up your smartphone navigation with a series o f one hour tutorials with host Peter Conroy on Tuesday and Thursday even ings via the www. Tutorials will run through June, July and perhaps Augu st. I will be using Google Meet Pro software and you will not need any s oftware at your end, just your desktop, laptop, or at a stretch your sma rtphone, and a web browser. Join us when you wish and stay as long as yo u wish. I will need your email address so that I can send you the Google Meet blue link at about 7.15PM on Thursday evening . There are many pos sible navigation apps available but I suggest that we focus on those tha t will, run out of reach of telephone towers, run when the smartphone is in Airplane mode, run on multi day bushwalks, never ask you to log on, have a one time fee, have many and mostly free and local maps, allow you to own your track and waypoint data. If you wish to do some homework th en I suggest for: "A Smartphone Navigation Overview" .... Go to: https:/ / and request clearan ce to view. "Android smartphones":.... "Backcountry Navigator GPS PRO". (NOT BCN XE) This app is, self contained software not a Progressive Web App, has a one time fee, no subscription, and is a fully featured profes sional app. A full manual for the app is on line at: .com/document/d/1Nmk9oqnotQ9R2alcjR1N4LL6T51UoW0YO_IKsWzjeEc/edit "iPhon e smartphones":.... "Handy GPS". Anthony Dunk is a bushwalker who lives near Gosford NSW, Anthony wrote Handy GPS with Australian bushwalkers in mind and this is not a PWA. Go to: / then pan down and under iPhone, view the video of AD and review help f iles. Choose the one time fee. "Screen Pinning":.... for both Android an d iPhones see: URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR