BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Cotter Hut UID:20230923T080000-2281@ DTSTART:20230923T080000 DTEND:20230923T230000 DTSTAMP:20230923T080000 GEO:-35.628892;148.955885 DESCRIPTION:Who cares if the days are short or long, we can walk at nigh t. A ‘day’ walk. Visit sites (and sights) such as Cotter Gap with vi ews to Split Rock, pass by Coronet Peak (see activity photo), ford Cotte r River to Cotter Hut, see where Mt Franklin Rd ends, views from Cotter Hut Road to Black Sallee Flat. The route circles ‘De Salis’ Knobs’ and uses the Australian Alps Walking Track and Cotter Hut Road. Around 37km and 1100vm of ascent. At an old codger’s pace, so up to 15 hours walking. Some of the return would be at night by torchlight. To book on this activity, please ensure you set your Profile, Preferences for at le ast Full Name, Contact (mobile number) and Emergency Contact to ‘Visib le to any activity owner’ (or ‘Visible to any active member’) and Update any changes. If you have genuine privacy concerns, please contact me. You no do, you no come on walk. Proposed route: ![Proposed route Co tter Hut]( q1tQJ6vvkyc4MSkRnR5-6HnYL2E956reSJwP2l5oH8R8OTClZu5bzayFiq9CZ_JAKgDBezp5 ggw6eR-8AEM0Lf5m0e2BCLnSK4WZDFZCV9YKIyxptd3FooUN7Da3Ovkbby-Ew=w2230-h843 -s-no?authuser=0) URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR