BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Googong Foreshores NR: Googong Cascades Picnic Area to Bradleys Creek Return - Wed Walk - CBC UID:20230510T084400-2232@ DTSTART:20230510T084400 DTEND:20230510T150000 DTSTAMP:20230510T084400 GEO:-35.41125;149.262636 DESCRIPTION:The walk to Bradleys Ck is mainly on fire trial, with small sections on bush track. The walk offers some glorious views over Googong Dam and lake. Starting from the Googong Cascades Picnic area (aka Downs tream Picnic Area) we initially walk on a bush track, before picking up the Queanbeyan River fire trail which we will follow for the remainder o f the morning. Along the way we'll take morning tea at Gorman Trig (our highest point) before descending steeply to Bradleys Ck for lunch. We'll return the same steep way, with the opportunity to take a detour to vie w the dam and cascades towards the end of the walk. Please bring sunscre en, hat, water, a warm jacket and wet weather gear. Walking poles may be useful on the steeper sections of the fire trail, which can be loose un der foot. If you have not driven here before, please check the ACT Parks brochure. 23/googong-foreshores-map-and-guide.pdf Those doing their first Wednesda y walk should contact the leader beforehand. Weather Forecast: As of Sat urday, the prediction is sunny with Temp. range is 0 - 15 degrees, with little chance of rain. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR