BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:WED WALK NPA SPONSORED 22 MARCH -MEDIUM/ HARD UID:20230322T000000-2176@ DTSTART:20230322T000000 DTSTAMP:20230322T000000 DESCRIPTION:TINDERRY PEAK Leader: Philip Gatenby (for NPA), contact 0401 415 446 or The walk follows the Round Flat Fir e Trail for a couple of kilometres before a steep climb to a spur with a number of rocky outcrops, then walk north-west for a further 2 km throu gh scrub (which is thick in places), followed by a rock scramble to our high point, Tinderry Peak (1,619 m). The return route is mostly south an d east from the peak, merging with the fire trail about a kilometre from the cars. Mostly off-track, with one section of mild exposure on the fi nal climb to the summit. The walk is suitable for experienced off-track walkers who are happy with a bit of thick scrub and scrambling under, ov er and around large granite boulders. Gaiters and scrub gloves recommend ed. Distance: about 14 km Total climb: around 600 metres Meet: Kambah Vi llage Shops in time to leave by 8 am Cost: 110 km, about $15 per person Map: Tinderry 1: 25,000 Weather: the forecast for Tinderry on Wednesday is partly cloudy, the chance of a shower, 10 to 18 degrees Those doing t heir first Medium-Hard Wednesday walk must contact the leader to discuss the level of difficulty of the walk. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR