BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Tarlo River National Park UID:20230527T073000-2166@ DTSTART:20230527T073000 DTEND:20230527T170000 DTSTAMP:20230527T073000 GEO:-34.582822;149.936109 DESCRIPTION:Leader Jeff B. Status 22 May 11 places 11 accepted 1 waitlis ted to supply further information. The southern end of Tarlo River Natio nal Park, a few kilometres beyond Goulburn, lies on the edge of the Sydn ey geological basin. I have not been here before but Ian W has led trips for the club. The main feature is the conglomerate outcrops (see photo by John E, used with permission) which you can scramble over and around. There is reasonably open ground off the outcrops, with several gullies, and we will take our time to explore the area thoroughly. Pace will be slow to moderate. IMPORTANT: this walk has car pooling with home pickups (where feasible). Only book if willing to share your a) real name with all participants b) email, phone number and street address with the lead er and others in the same vehicle as you and c) vehicle and emergency co ntact details with the leader. A booking (member or guest) will not be a ccepted until all this information is visible to the leader in Bilby. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR