BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:WED WALK BBC SPONSORED 15 MARCH - HARD UID:20230315T080000-2165@ DTSTART:20230315T080000 DTSTAMP:20230315T080000 DESCRIPTION:THE PIMPLE AND TIDBINBILLA Leader: Andrew Cupit (0478 309 79 1, We start the walk from Mountain Creek car pa rk in Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. From the car park, we cut through Lyre Bird trail and then climb steeply up a good footpad to Snowy Corner, co ntinuing less steeply to Mt Tidbinbilla. We then head north towards Tidb inbilla Peak before heading north-west towards the Pimple. The last hund red metres requires some difficult rock scrambling. The view at the Pimp le is good where I plan to have our lunch stop. We return to the main tr ack and then continue on the circuit clockwise towards Tidbinbilla Peak and Johns Peak (with more views at each peak). We may cut down off track to Camels Hump fire trail (short cut) and then return via the fire trai l to the carpark. Meeting point: Kambah Shops, opposite Caltex. Leaving 8:Cost: 70km ($10). Grading: 12 (Hard) Distance 16kms (less if we take t he short cut). Total climb 1050m. Terrain: Tracks, footpads and fire tra ils, a little offtrack rock/boulder climbiWeather: Forecast for Canberra is 12 degrees minimum and 29 degrees max with 0% of a shower, but tempe ratures at Mt Tidbinbilla will be slightly lower. Bring: Dress for the w eather, morning tea/lunch, water/drinks (2-3 litres recommended if hot) and poles if you are unsteady walking on uneven ground. Waterproof gear (pants & jacket) is also recommended if there is dew, because you will g et wet from the bushes. Plus, it will provide more warmth if it is windy up on the range. Map: Tidbinbilla. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR