BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Take a seat on the Stone Throne at 'Little Monks' - evening ramble UID:20230314T183000-2164@ DTSTART:20230314T183000 DTEND:20230314T204500 DTSTAMP:20230314T183000 GEO:-35.470761;149.107251 DESCRIPTION:Most dislike walking up the Banks Steep Track, so we won't. Walk the back of houses in Banks, then puff very steeply (230vm up, 700m across the ground) off-track up to the Monks. Have a sit on the stone t hrone under the Kurrajong tree at 'Little Monks', then take in the enorm ous view north through west to south from the trig at Big Monks. Return down the Banks Steep Track by torchlight if necessary. Sunset at 7.24pm, just see 7.50pm. Around 5km and 300vm. Meet ready to walk at 6.30pm bes ide 21 Orange Thorn Cres Banks. The car park is somewhat eroded - please be considerate of residents and others if parking in the street. The me et point is marked 'Car park for Banks Trail - Big Monks' on Google Maps . Bring a torch and a sense of humour. Please book. If weather looks thr eatening text 'Walk on?' to 0417436877 from 5pm onwards and I will answe r Y or N. If you are interested in the proposed route and gpx file, try [Where is JohnnyBoy going next?]( s-JohnnyBoy-going-next.pdf) If using via a mobile, scroll down to activa te the Draw the map link! URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR