GULWAN - TINDERRY NATURE RESERVE Leader: Philip Gatenby (for NPA), contact 0401 415 446 or From the junction of Tinderry Road and the Round Flat FT walk west, climbing through scrub and boulders to Gulwan, the most southerly peak in Tinderry Nature Reserve. Continue north along the ridge for a couple of kilometres to other prominent outcrops before turning south-east and dropping to the fire trail, not far from the cars. The distance is short but because of the terrain the going will be slow. The walk is suitable for experienced off-track walkers who are happy with a bit of thick scrub and scrambling under, over and around large granite boulders. Plenty of water, gaiters and scrub gloves recommended. Distance: about 8 km Total climb: around 600 metres Meet: Kambah Village Shops in time to leave by 8 am Cost: 117 km, $15 per person Map: Tinderry 1: 25,000 Weather: The forecast for Tinderry on Wednesday is mostly sunny, 10-24 degrees Those doing their first Medium-Hard Wednesday walk and prospective walkers who are not members of the BBC, NPA or CBC must contact the leader to discuss the level of difficulty of the walk.


Wed 25th Jan 2023




Leader: Philip Gatenby (for NPA), contact 0401 415 446 or

From the junction of Tinderry Road and the Round Flat FT walk west, climbing through scrub and boulders to Gulwan, the most southerly peak in Tinderry Nature Reserve. Continue north along the ridge for a couple of kilometres to other prominent outcrops before turning south-east and dropping to the fire trail, not far from the cars. The distance is short but because of the terrain the going will be slow. The walk is suitable for experienced off-track walkers who are happy with a bit of thick scrub and scrambling under, over and around large granite boulders. Plenty of water, gaiters and scrub gloves recommended.

Distance: about 8 km
Total climb: around 600 metres
Meet: Kambah Village Shops in time to leave by 8 am
Cost: 117 km, $15 per person
Map: Tinderry 1: 25,000
Weather: The forecast for Tinderry on Wednesday is mostly sunny, 10-24 degrees

Those doing their first Medium-Hard Wednesday walk and prospective walkers who are not members of the BBC, NPA or CBC must contact the leader to discuss the level of difficulty of the walk.

Additional Information





Distance (km or hrs)




A walk or similar activity with a duration of a day or part day. No overnight gear required.

Date and Time

Start Wed 25th Jan 2023 @ 08:00am
*Activity finishing time may not always be accurate, always confirm with the activity owner.

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