BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Red Hill Morning Ramble with Coffee/Lunch To Finish Off UID:20230211T083000-2112@ DTSTART:20230211T083000 DTEND:20230211T113000 DTSTAMP:20230211T083000 GEO:-35.338324;149.113093 DESCRIPTION:Let's just enjoy an easy morning 3 hour stroll around Red Hi ll on and off track - depending on what we all feel like! Red Hill has l ots of options and the walking is as easy or as hard as you want - we wi ll decide together whether we want to go up stairs to visit the Tardis, or climb on footpads to the top of Davidson's Trig or walk along footpad s in varying directions to and from the 5 ways saddle. This will be like one of those 'Choose your own adventure books' ie we will decide as a g roup what we want to do. How good is that! Magnificent views over all of Canberra. Don't expect too much in the way of birdlife if we are a larg e group as we'll probably be too noisy but do expect a leisurely Saturda y morning. After we finish we can all walk down to Little Garran for cof fee/lunch/brunch - whatever you like. There is seating in and outdoors. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR