BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Evening summer time stroll – Mt Painter and The Pinnacle Natur e Reserves UID:20230117T183000-2078@ DTSTART:20230117T183000 DTEND:20230117T203000 DTSTAMP:20230117T183000 DESCRIPTION:I know this is Diana’s territory and it has recently been on as a CBC evening walk, but I have to finish the 39 NRs in CNP. From t he car park between 57 and 61 Mackellar Cres in Cook at 6.30pm, climb Mt Painter via a footpad to the trig for great views. Head NW to visit The Pinnacle and Bunny Hill. Around 8km and 300vm. Bring a head torch. No n eed to book, but appreciate it if you do. Help a pedantic pensioner walk the penultimate pair of the 39 NRs in the CNP. Qualifies for RU⇧4it w ith a P! Sunset at 8:14pm, civil twilight (just see) 8:44pm. Canberra Na ture Park – a breath of fresh air for busy walkers. There are 39 Natur e Reserves in the Canberra Nature Park. How many can we walk in? These a re numbers 36 and 37. photo | evening light on Mt Painter URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR