BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Waterfall Walk/Swim off Bundanoon Ck Morton National Park UID:20230204T080000-2073@ DTSTART:20230204T080000 DTEND:20230204T160000 DTSTAMP:20230204T080000 GEO:-34.679753;150.303179 DESCRIPTION:This as an adventurous walk ,shown to me and others by Vance Brown who was shown the waterfall by Fred George years ago This is walk for those who are comfortable to swim for about 15 minutes in very cold , deep narrow creek with a wall of rock either side. Reward ?? Swim thro ugh a waterfall and see...... We leave Canberra 8am, drive 160+km /2hour s through Goulburn, and meet at the Big Merino, then drive onto Morton N Pk, park cars at Tooth's Lookout, (nearby is Fairy Bowers Fall ) This i s within the Morton NP .We descend about 350m on a very steep, rough tra ck to Bundanoon Ck, Near the bottom it forms a large lake. We can have a rest, swim ,here the water is not so cold and morning tea here. We then walk around this lake to a small narrow ledge which we clamber up .You will see a small river. The water is extremely cold. We enter the water and swim about 4m then turn at right angles and swim another about 6m wh ere you will see a waterfall. We swim through the waterfall and look up. You will see a huge boulder blocking out some of the sky. Please take t hermals to wear in the water, possibly thick woollen socks and gloves , I will be wearing a life jacket. The water is extremely cold and cramp i s a possibility -we need to look out for each other. If you haven't done a walk with me before please indicate a leader with whom you have walke d recently. I would specially like other leaders to see this walk as soo n I will not be able to lead it. Don't forget to take spare clothes to c hange into. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR