Evening summer time stroll – Farrer Ridge and Wanniassa Hills Nature Reserves
Tue 20th Dec 2022
Part-day walk
Meet at 6.00pm in the car park off Athllon Drive at the north-west entrance to the Farrer Ridge Nature Reserve. Take the next turn in left to an informal car park after crossing Beasley St going south. We’ll walk a few of the management trails and open spaces of Farrer Ridge NR, including Farrer Hill for views. We’ll exit via the scrubby southern face, then under Erindale Drive to take fire trails to Mt Wanniassa. Around 8km and 300vm climb. Bring a head torch. No need to book, but appreciate it if you do. Help a pedantic pensioner walk in all 39 of the CNP Reserves. Sunset at 8:17pm, civil twilight (just see) 8:47pm.
photo | Enjoying an evening stroll in Farrer Ridge NR
Canberra Nature Park - a breath of fresh air for busy walkers. There are 39 Nature Reserves in the Canberra Nature Park. How many can we walk in? These are numbers 34 and 35.
A walk or similar activity with a duration of a day or part day. No overnight gear required.
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