BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:(Now Waitlisting) Tidbinbilla Range Skyline, Southern Section - Fishing Gap to Snowy Corner UID:20221217T070000-2049@ DTSTART:20221217T070000 DTEND:20221217T160000 DTSTAMP:20221217T070000 GEO:-35.456877;148.889782 DESCRIPTION:Walk the southern section of the Tidbinbilla Range skyline, north from Fishing Gap to Snowy Corner. Awesome views down the western f all to the Cotter River and up to the Brindabella Range, and east down t o Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. Fire trail and rough footpad from Fishing Gap car park to Mt Domain. Then an off-track leg along the skyline of ar ound 3km which will probably take 3 hours. Descend from Snowy Corner via footpad to join the Lyrebird Track and so to Mountain Creek car park. A round 12km and 900vm climb, 7 hours of walking at my moderate pace ?. St eep climbs and descents. Car shuttle required. Limit 8. Please ensure yo ur Bilby Profile details are available to me, at least email, username, full name, contact, emergency contact. photo | view north from Mt Domain along the Tidbinbilla Range crest URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR