BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:DAY TRIPS FROM GUTHEGA UID:20230226T000000-2019@ DTSTART:20230226T000000 DTEND:20230302T000000 DTSTAMP:20230226T000000 DESCRIPTION:Easy/ Medium day walks from Guthega A number of E/M day walk s from Guthega, possibly Mt Tate, and/or the Rolling Ground, Mt Twynam/L ittle Twynam, from Guthega, Mount Sentinel and or Watsons Crags from Cha rlottes Pass, or possibly Mt Carruthers, Mt Clark and Mr Northcote with some easier half day walk on the first and last days. There are also som e new track in the area that we may do. We will be staying at one of the BSC lodges which have good views over the snowies. One has recently bee n rebuilt with all rooms having an ensuite, and a large commercial kitch en. People can opt for either shared meals or do your own. Leader: John Danaro ( ) Map: Mount Kosciusko 1:50,000. Transport : around $190 per car, plus park entrance fees. Accommodation cost aroun d $40 pp per night, with almost all people having their own room. Limit 12 NOTE: This walk is not suitable for walkers who crave the night life and bright lights of the big resorts, as the only lights at Guthega woul d be those at the lodge. So the stay is suitable for those that prefer t ranquillity and peace and quiet. Also, I am told that Giovanni’s Chine se pop-up restaurant. and possibly Timothy’s Australasian restaurant m ay be making an appearance at Guthega during the week, but bookings are essential. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR