BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Yanununbeyan Wander UID:20221103T073000-2009@ DTSTART:20221103T073000 DTEND:20221103T150000 DTSTAMP:20221103T073000 DESCRIPTION:I'm planning on a moderate level and distance (13km) of walk ing in the Yanununbeyan National Park outside of Queanbeyan. I'm hoping to see some orchids in flower, the Queanbeyan river flowing fast, and pe rhaps a gorge and a stone trig. The walk will be a mix of track and off- track. There may be some climbing - say up to 150m in one go and 200m cu mulative. The ground will most probably be boggy and there might be snak es, so gaiters, sturdy boots and scrub gloves please. The long range for ecast for the day is 50-75% chance of 0-1mm of rain which could well cha nge. I'll be working off the ACT Rogaine Association's rogaine map for a n event it ran back in November 2020. This walk is a good opportunity fo r people who want to practise their map/compass navigation and get some rogaining tips ahead of the next rogaine event on 5 November. I'll provi de a pdf of the map for participants to print out. We'll meet at Spotlig ht Carpark in Queanbeyan, and car pool to the starting off point. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR