BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Worn Boot Bash - South Namadgi creeks huts and hills UID:20221126T053000-2006@ DTSTART:20221126T053000 DTEND:20221126T173000 DTSTAMP:20221126T053000 GEO:-35.457088;149.091384 DESCRIPTION:Yes, it’s back folks – the legendary worn boot bash! The criteria was simply: ‘minimum 30kms, with a few hills’. This will b e a LONG day so only fit walkers need apply. We will meet at Lanyon at 5 .20am for a 5.30am sharp departure, and then carpool to the southern jun ction of Boboyan Road and Old Boboyan Road (1.5km north of Brayshaws Hom estead) with a view to start walking around 6.30am. The circuit will com mence with Old Boboyan Road, and we will eventually turn left on to Samâ €™s Creek Firetrail. Highlights include: - Luton’s Crutching shed - So on after, we will leave the track and commence our ascent to Sentry Box Mountain. The vegetation largely comprises of acacias and eucalyptus; - The vegetation of the descent will be easier the further down we go. We will be following the ACT/NSW border for a while; - Eventually we will m eet up with the Grassy Creek Firetrail and make our way towards Waterhol e Hut (aka Waterlogged Hut); - After Waterhole Hut we will cross the cre ek and walk back along the footpad (Settler’s Track). A beautifully se rene walk with a few a little rises until we reach Brayshaw’s Homestea d; - After Brayshaws Homestead, it is an easy stroll along Boboyan Road back to the cars along Boboyan Road. This walk has it all; firetrail, sc rub, extensive rock slabs, foot pad, great views. And if the rain contin ues - wet feet! Bring all the normal stuff eg water, food, wet weather g ear, sturdy shoes or boots, hat, sunscreen, gaiters, gloves, headtorch ( just in case…). And a sense of fun. Must show a clean pair of heels! URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR