BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Kosciuszko / Guthega area day walks - based at Perisher. This tr ip is now full. UID:20230116T120000-1985@ DTSTART:20230116T120000 DTEND:20230122T170000 DTSTAMP:20230116T120000 DESCRIPTION:Enjoy 7 days / 6 nights of walking and relaxing with Easy, M edium and Long walks offered. Possibilities : - Mt Stillwell - Mt Anton - Mt Twynam - Porcupine Rocks - Sawpit and Island Bend areas - Kosci cir cuit Walks offered will depend on leaders, weather, inclination and rest days. Please help by being reasonably fit and offer to lead walks. Each night there will be a meeting before the evening meal to discuss the ne xt day's walk/s. ## Accommodation Canberra Alpine Club, 6 Flame Robin Pl ace, Perisher. Cost: $40 per person per night = $240 total. $50 deposit required when booking, bank details will be emailed. Rooms have from 2 t o 5 beds and I will aim for only have 2 in a room. If CAC members wish t o book at the same time there may be more room sharing. Some rooms have ensuite, others share facilities. Self catering for food but with a shar ed BBQ on the 1st and last night. Leader will supply a yummy dessert for the 1st night. The Lodge has a well equipped kitchen and a shelf in the fridge and cupboards allocated to each room. It has freezers, washing m achines, microwaves, all most comfy. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR