BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Stan's Kosi Weekend UID:20230128T000000-1980@ DTSTART:20230128T000000 DTEND:20230130T000000 DTSTAMP:20230128T000000 GEO:-36.437727087392595;148.3292569675293 DESCRIPTION:Charlotte Ppass and Village are named after Charlotte Adams, who, in 1881, was the first European woman to climb Mount Kosciuszko. S tan Marks lead an annual ‘Kosi weekend’ for over 20 years up until h is passing in 2021.This activity is held in his memory. The group will t ravel up to Charlotte Pass on Saturday, returning on Monday, staying at Snowbird Ski Lodge. Anyone who would like to spend more or less time is welcome to do so, by prior arrangement. True to Stan's legacy, this is a s much a social activity as it is a bushwalking activity. Therefore, it is a relaxing weekend with a variety of walks to cater for the majority of abilities within the group, from L/R/X to M/E-M. Walk options include Mt Twynam via Blue Lake, Mt Stillwell, Watsons Crags, Lake Circuit, and Guthega to Charlotte Pass. Catering is on the basis of everybody brings something to share for the evening meals, and a roster will be drawn up for this to make sure we have enough of everything for our dinners. Sel f-catering arrangements for breakfast and lunches. There are limited sup plies available in the village, so best to bring whatever food and drink s you require to meet your own needs for the duration. There is a domest ic kitchen, fridges, oven/cooktop, microwave, slow cooker, cooking items , cutlery and crockery supplied. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR