BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:McMillans Walking Track, Victorian Alps UID:20230209T000000-1655@ DTSTART:20230209T000000 DTEND:20230224T000000 DTSTAMP:20230209T000000 GEO:-37.09291861076762;147.3856772937622 DESCRIPTION:NEW TIMING - WAS NOV. 2022. FULLY-BOOKED, WITH A WAITLIST. 1 3-day east-west traverse of the Victorian Alps on a track/route develope d by the Ben Cruachan Walking Club of Gippsland and detailed in a new gu idebook by John Chapman (+ 1 reserve day & 2 travel days, i.e. allow a t otal of 16 days). The track starts at Cobungra, near Omeo, and ends at W oods Point. It passes through the areas of the Dargo, Wonnangatta, Morok a and Macalister Rivers. There are no settlements en route; however, the track is traversed by several remote roads. The intention is to use the se roads to place food (and, in some cases, water) caches so that walk p articipants carry no more than 3 nights’ food at any time. (The leader has made a reconnaissance trip to check these possible cache locations. ) If potentially interested in participating, please contact the leader for more information – an itinerary for the walk and a further documen t with other information, including logistics, will be forwarded to thos e expressing an interest. With some large ascents and descents involved, participants will require a reasonable level of fitness. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR